Kamar Desain Indonesia

Kamar Desain is an independent design studio in creative industry that offers concepts for your business and company, from ideas, concepts,  and designs to its executions and its use for your business’ and company’s “life”.

Our concept is simple; to develop long-term relationship between the company and its target audience. Promotions and everything that becomes identities are part of our job—to communicate through visual forms with relevant ideas.

Nowadays, design is a power and  life-style for company and business. An image of the company holds an important part to build relationship with target audiences. If you ever think that style is not more significant than the content, just think Oakley, think Apple.


Logo Design, Company Profile, Name Card, Brochures, Flyer, Signage, Banner, Social Media Ads, Poster, Packaging, Label Design, Etc.


We serve production for all types of promotional needs. Printing, Tshirt, Lanyard, Name Tag, Standing Banner, Flags, Signage, Billboard, Book/Magazine, etc


We serve production for all types of promotional needs. Printing, Tshirt, Lanyard, Name Tag, Standing Banner, Flags, Signage, Billboard, Book/Magazine, etc
Food photography
#artwork #foodphotography #graphicdesign #bali #kamardesain
Ngonten sekalian promosi 😉 
Minum sambil nyelem di ember 😅

#desaingrafis #ads #frozenfood #bali #kamardesain
Antara Susu Kurma - Kebab - Nasi Rempah - Frozen food.. Draft versi 1.0 😅

#logo #typo #desain #bali #kamardesain is back! Insyaallah
Logo design - pemanasan, lama ga bikin logo 😂 #kamardesain #logo #bali
SuKur bersaudara.. dari yg besar,sedang,kecil 😋
Apapun bentuk dan ukuran nya, jgn sampai kita lupa untuk ber'Sukur' hari ini ya geesss... 😋

#sukur #susukurma #sukurmadina #sukurpi #sumpah #susu #kurma #kopisusu #kopisusumadina #madinafoodandbeverage #bali #kamardesain
Jangan lupa ber'SUKUR' tiap hari ya gess... 👌 Bali mulai terik, SuKur (all variant) & Kopi Susu Madina bisa jadi pelepas dahaga yang pas di perut. Sehat, seger, dan ga eneg di perut... 😋😋 

#sukurmadina #sukur #susukurma #sukurpi #sumpah #kurma #kopi #kopisusu #kopisusumadina #madinafoodandbeverage #bali #kamardesain